Saturday, January 29, 2011

Facts About Grasslands - strangefacts

  • The animals that live in temperate grasslands have adapted to the dry, windy conditions
  • The majority of grasslands are found around the tropics and the Grasslands cover one-fifth of the land on Earth
  • Grassland areas have two seasons: a growing season and a dormant season. During the dormant season, no grass can grow because it is too cold
  • Natural grasslands are; the savannahs of Africa, the North American prairies, and in southern USSR-the dry steppes
  • Semi-natural grasslands are where the forest has been cleared and grazing, cutting or burning maintains the grass cover. Tending to be more productive most South and South-East Asian grasslands are semi-natural grasslands.
  • The temperate grassland soil contains a lot of organic material (more than the tropical).

  • Grasses in tropical grasslands tend to grow taller and faster than grasses in cooler regions
  • Tropical grasslands are regions in the tropics where there is not enough rain half the year for trees to grow
  • When rainy season arrives, many grasslands become coated with flowers, some of which can survive well into winter with the help of underground storage organs and thick stem bases
  • Most tropical grasslands are scattered with bushes, shrubs and trees. In Africa, hardy broad-leaved trees such as curatella and byrsonima are typical
  • Temperate grasslands, which average between 10 and 30 inches (25 and 75 centimeters) of rain per year, have shorter grasses, sometimes just a few millimeters
  • No other habitat is as agriculturally useful to humans as grasslands. Soils tend to be deep and fertile, perfect for cropland or pastures